Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week of 20 January

Good Evening,

Well, believe it or not, this is the last week of the semester! Encourage your sons/daughters to talk with their teachers this week to make sure they are caught up on all assignments and class work.

Next week will be the first week of the new semester. If students would like to request a schedule change, they may do so beginning on Sunday, 27 January. This weekend I will email the Schedule Change Request Form to students. Students will need to get a parent signature before we process the request.

And, believe it or not, it is that time of year----IF you know you will not be returning to ACS next school year, please notify us. It is never too early to communicate your status to us...especially as we plan for next year.

Below is a link to an article published through Mercy Corps highlighting ACS students and their involvement in service in our host country. Among other things, the article refers to the soccer ball campaign organized by our grade 8 students earlier in the year. We are proud of our students and their valued contributions to their local community.  Mercy Corps.pdf

Have a good week and thank you for all of your support.

Rhonda Isley
MS Principal