Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week of 29 September

Good Evening,

Thank you to the MS StuCo for planning and organizing the "Peace in the Middle East" event last Thursday. There were a lot of students in attendance and everyone had a great time.  This was their first event of the year and they did a great job! Thanks also to the teachers who volunteered to chaperon.

We are spending these last three weeks before Eid to focus on instruction and routines in the MS so only a few tidbits tonight:

  • Students are working on their SMART goals in advisory...please ask your son/daughter about their goals and what they are working on (you can also see the format in the Moodle All MS)
  • The next Power School update is Oct 10. These updates are scheduled a few weeks apart to help the students to understand the importance of the learning that is taking place and not, solely, on "what their grade is." Learning is a reflective process that takes time and our goal is to help students understand learning is a lifelong process.
  • IF your son/daughter says they are "bored" encourage them to practice their keyboarding skills. There are plenty of keyboarding sites on the internet.......a suggestion from the L. Arts teachers follows:

Enjoy your evening and thank you for all of your is greatly appreciated.

Rhonda Isley
MS Principal