Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week of 27 October

Good Evening,

Greetings from Kathmandu, Nepal. I have been away the past few days attending the NESA Leadership Conference with the rest of our administrative team. We are traveling tonight so this will be brief as I do not have much time before my internet runs out!

We are aware of the possible change in the upcoming Islamic Holiday. Once we have more confirmed information I will follow up with you about our plan regarding the MS play. 

Family Connection Chats:
Thanks to all of those who were able to attend our first Family Connection Chat on balancing screen time and using laptops. We had a good conversation and Mr. Berg shared with us some helpful/useful ideas on how to help our young adults manage their screen time.

We will REPEAT the presentation on Oct 29 @ 8:15 in the MPR for those of you who were unable to attend. We realize it was a busy time right before the break and those who were present encouraged us to repeat the presentation since it is such an important topic for all of us.

Our next chat will be on Nov 18 @ 8:15 in the MPR. Topic:  Decision Making with Social Networking and the Teenage Brain

Our Learning Progress Conferences will be coming up Nov 13-14. Conferences will be held in the gym. Upon my return to school I will send out more detailed information. 

Looking forward to seeing the students again tomorrow.