Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week of 8 December

Good Evening,

I hope everyone is staying healthy at this time of year...there is quite a cold type "thing" going around so I wish you all good health.

Thanks for your support of the Holiday Bazaar. Fun was had by all and we greatly appreciate the PTG for working so hard to sponsor such an event.

This week the StuCo will sponsor their first dance of the year. This is a student organized event from 6:00-9:00. We request consideration for a prompt pick up of students as this is time volunteered by teacher chaperons. With a prompt pick up of students then everyone is able to enjoy the evening.

Please make note of the school holiday dates. We publish the dates early so families are able to plan and make their travel arrangements. An early departure or late return makes it difficult for students to stay caught up with their peers and with the instruction that takes place within the classroom.

Mark your calendar for next week....Dec 17 for our next Family Connection Chat. Topic this month is Social Media...what are the kids using and the impact (good and bad) social media can have.

We would like for you to mark your calendar now for WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29. We will sponsor a tech "expo" to give students an opportunity to shine and give parents an opportunity to see, and understand, exactly what happens in a 1:1 learning classroom. More details about the time will be forthcoming.

I am amazed how quickly this school year is going by. With that idea in mind, below is a link to a video clip I saw over the weekend. For me, at my age, it made me panic a bit....fearful I have not made good use of my time in life. The "jelly bean" video is a gentle reminder about motivation and how we use our time......enjoy........

Jelly Bean Motivation

Have a good evening.