Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week of June 8

Good Evening,

Here we go....the last two weeks of school. Please help us by reinforcing how much more enjoyable it can be for everyone when students strive to end the school year on a high note. Please encourage students to maintain their level of respect and integrity these last two weeks with their can be easy for students to get a bit too excited at this time of year.

Thank yous go to our World Language teachers--Ms. Abu Jaber, Ms. Di Paolo, Ms. Suleiman, Ms. Leidtke--for the wonderful language showcase last week. It was great to listen to the students "show off" their language skills.

Thanks also to Ms. Suleiman for organizing our Tobacco Free Jordan assembly last Thursday. The guest speakers had a good program for our students and, as usual, our students were great audience members!

Upcoming Events:

Gr 8 Reflection Night
Gr 8 parents and students are invited to celebrate and reflect on the student's middle school years at ACS. Students are planning a program of time to say good-byes, time to hang out, and time for parents to gather also. The evening will begin at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, 11 June. Please RSVP using the link below:

Gr 8 Reflection Night RSVP

Dead Sea Transition trips
During this time of transition for many students, it is important we take time to allow students an opportunity to bring closure to the school year and say good-bye to friends. MS students will spend the day at the Dead Sea Marriott on the following dates:
Gr 6 Monday, 16 June
Gr 7 Sunday, 15 June
Gr 8 Tuesday, 17 June

Student will receive an email through Moodle asking to confirm their attendance and make their meal choice by Tuesday. We suggest students bring sunscreen, dress appropriately for the trip and bring a few JD with them in case they want to purchase an extra snack or drink beyond the lunch that will be provided for them.

If you DO NOT WANT your child to attend, please inform us via email. 

End of Year Check Out
ALL students must complete a check out form at the end of the school year. Students will be given forms on 12 June. If you are departing ACS early, please notify us of your departure date so we can have all necessary documents ready for you. Quarter 4 reports will not be available until 18 June.

Please contact us if you have questions about events/activities as we approach the end of the school year. It is a hectic time of the school year so please let us know if you need any clarifications.